Back in Butare

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Cathie and I got back to Butare last night after a really great night at Ntugamo where we met up with lovely ruta whom I'd met training in Birmingham last June; This was her last night having spent 9 months working with a lemongrass growing and processing co -operative.

 She lived in a lovely little house up in the hills with the most spectacular views - especially from her loo!

We slept while she packed and then had a quick dawn tour of the factory, bought some candles and into the town where she took off for Kampala and we had breakfast before catching the matatu for Kabale, taxi to the border and then taxi bus to Kigali; all very easy!

I've today been to the interrement of my Domestique's husband's little brother; His old mother still alive - very feisty and quite spry- something about the grave digging displeased her and she went into a big sulk and had to be coaxed back to the graveside for the lowering of the coffin. She had 11 children and there are now only 2 left. It was in a field on the side of a steep hill - all very peaceful - a bit of spontaneous singing and a couple of prayers then back to the house for fanta and chat.When I said to Leonidas, the son who drove me, and Renathe's husband, how sorry I was, he replied "C'est normal" and added that it had to be done in the morning because at this time of year there is heavy rain in the afternoon, which looks like being true as the clouds are gathering!

Will be in Kigali againg for a disability meeting on Friday. 




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