Santa Monica

Comments: 3    

Soccer was awesome! Federation square was long packed out so we went by the Yarra river where there were some 20-30 thousand people crowding around a huge screen! 'Ooohing' and 'ahhing' with every miss, every kick, and the strange habit of making a noise that is a cross between booing and 'GUS GUS' whenever the coach comes on. What a fantastic atmosphere! The only good thing about us losing is that we didn't have to withstand the freezing temperature any more.

I got to Santa Monica (LA) today. This is a lovely seaside town full of trendy shops and tall palm trees. I sat on the beach for a while, felt like I was just back at Cott, except maybe minus the ferris wheel and rollercoaster on the pier. I made a visit to Venice beach in the afternoon, which is just further along the coast. What a strange place, full of crazy crazy people. There are multiple outdoor basketball and tennis courts, not to mention an outdoor gym where everyone can see you. Then a crazy Jamaican guy tried to make me be his support act while he jumped on broken bottle pieces... There were plenty of interesting stalls along the beach, selling the usual clothes, jewellery, but also a large number of bong shops, some with signs saying 'these are for tobacco only, please don't ask otherwise'...

Few observations

1. Huge ugly seagulls, 3 times the size of ours with brown spots all over them.

2. Large number tiny dogs much like Paris Hilton's.

3. My first Starbucks experience left me feeling inadequate because I was the only one in the shop without a laptop. I thought I'd try the next one, it was the same.

4. The number of rich people are only outnumbered by the number of homeless people. How ironic in such a rich area. It is incredibly sad to see, but I feel powerless that there's nothing I can do.

Can't think of anymore, internet time is ticking down.

Santa Monica at night is pretty, the trendy stores live up to their reputations by being overly expensive, but very lovely clothes non the less. The streets are filled with talented and desperate musicians trying to sell a few CDs, intermixed with 13 year olds dressed way too old for their age.

Nice place really.

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James dB on 28 June 2006 at 04:38
One question - have american accents started to get on your nerves yet? And- when do we get postcards!??!
Love James.


Linh on 28 June 2006 at 05:01
I disagree - nothing good came from us losing the soccer (WE WAS ROBBED!)
Glad to hear you're having a great time, look foward to reading more of your escapades in the months to come.


Anna on 28 June 2006 at 06:09
I agree, we WERE completely robbed!! But we matched them damn good.


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