San Diego

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After my feet had completely dropped off in Disneyland I continued to detach it from my body by spending another day in Universal studios. I didn't particularly love the place. It was sooo hot, so many people, lines were long and people were cranky. The tour around the studios was interesting, and Katie you're going to love this, I went to Wisteria Lane! Yes ladies and gents, Anna has officially seen the residences of Gabrielle etc, it's very cute place really.

I forgot to mention that we went to a live version of the Fear Factor show. Remember the stupid American show that made people hang for as long as they can, eat a cocktail of fish intestines and pigs eyeballs? Yeah a live version is even more stupid and cringeworthy. The only entertaining part of the whole show was when a girl in the front row jumped/screamed/cried when a fake turrantula spider was thrown on her. The poor girl wouldn't stop crying and is probably traumatised for life now but it was highly amusing.

Then I continued to turn black when we visited the San Diego zoo and Seaworld in the next two days. I have to say the Perth zoo has a better setup than this world famous San Diego zoo, much prettier. But they do have some bizarre animals, my favourite being the bearded pig... look it up guys, bizarre animal. Seaworld was great! The best was the dolphin and Whale show, it was hilarious. The Americans certainly know how to put on a show. The trainers rode around on the dolphins and whales, and one even stood up on the whale's nose as the whale stood straight up out of the water, if you imagine how big a whale is you can imagine how high the trainer went out of the water.

We've been in Las Vegas the last few days, the sin city certainly lives up to its reputation at night, but in the day time it looks like a tired old city. As soon as we turned into the city we were greeted by a shooting which blocked off half of the city, and another siege was underway as we went past on the bus yesterday. How fitting really. More on Vegas next time

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Jason Chatfield (Homepage) on 07 July 2006 at 05:26
Hey Anna,
I'm a mate of Clarko's; I noticed your travel blog was linked on -- looks like you're doing the same/similar tour that I've done. Interestingly enough very similar thoughts on each place; I agree, San Diego Zoo isn't THAT much better than Perth zoo - in fact I kind of prefer Perth zoo.
Have a look at my travel blog at:
Have fun!
~ Jason Chatfield


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