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After another one and half days of driving we reached Vancouver, passing through Montana, Idaho and Washington. Montana is a funny place, they have towns called Amsterdamn, Belgrade, London, Bethlehem etc, maybe they think they're vast mountainous areas are not enough. I can just see the cowboys from Brokeback mountain up those huge moutains. Quite pretty, but a pain to drive, especially since the Americans don't believe in the speed limit or indicating.

Vancouver is lovely, we have explore the beautiful Stanley Park, where you feel like you're in the middle of a rainforest. Again Angie was much more interested in the racoons, they do look cute, I have only seen squashed ones on the road before that.

Today we visited Gas town, where the number of homeless and drug filled people outnumbered tourists, and downtown (where are all the shops?? Why can't I find any?) Nice city, reminds me somewhat of Perth, but bigger, yah!

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