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Breakfast club and Football game

Two weekends ago was my first experience at football game and breakfast club, and I have to say it was crazier than I ever thought it was possible!

First I must explain breakfast club. This is when students dress up in crazy costumes and hit the bars from 6am until when the game starts at 1pm. Everything from a marshmallow to a turkey to a guy in diapers and a bib is done... it's a sight that needs to be seen to be believed. The bars are blacked out so one thinks it's the middle of the night until you go outside and the sun's shining in your eye! Great fun, but totally bizarre.

So about midday we headed over to the football match. I don't think I watched or followed much of it. Hollis was nice enough to try and explain it to me, but the sheer number of stop starts was much too confusing, then you have little people running around with two flags indicating where they are now and where they should go to... Aussie rules is so much more entertaining (GO EAGLES!). However the atmosphere was unbelievable. Cheerleaders were tossed up into the air like in 'Bring it on', the band danced and did their thing at every possible moment, flags were going off everywhere, and the people went crazy. The students had chants for when they had a touchdown, jingled their keys for another occassion, tooted on another... totally confusing. And nobody sat down, instead we all stood on the benches, waving and screaming like mad men.

This weekend's homecoming game, should be more interesting and crazy. Although I'm not sure if we'll make it to the football match since we're taking breakfast club seriously this time and hitting the bars at 7am.

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