LaRae's Aussie Trip
Entries "September 2005":

Tuesday, 20 September 2005

September 20


It is the afternoon of the 20th and things are going good still. We have moved from Byron Bay to Surfer's Paradise and have been here for 3 days now. We have decided to work lots for a month or two and then relax for the remaining 3 months, especially once Chris and Kelsey come in January. Today we both got 3 jobs working together. The first is working at the Gold Coast Indy 300 Races which is pretty cool and we are right on the track so we still get to see everything and then we got a job from 9-12 in the morning, still have the afternoon off to soak up the sun and then work again from 4-10. So we will definitely be busy for a while. We have done lots of travelling around Surfer's Paradise checking things out way more than any other cities and it's pretty cool here. It has tons of theme parks. We are heading to Sea World tomorrow and then to the Zoo the next looking like total tourists as our cameras are with us every minute. It has been nothing but hot sunny weather, today about 28 and we are loving it. I have been sending postcards home so if you give my mom your address I can send one for you. Keep writing back and I will keep updating. Talk to you later!!



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Posted by: larae    in: My travelblog

Modified on October 27, 2005 at 5:52 PM
Tuesday, 13 September 2005

September 13

Hey everyone!

Well it is the morning of the 13th and I finally woke up about quarter to  9. First time that I've slept in past about 6am. Anyway we have been having a blast. First of all we when we were in Sydney we visited Bondi Beach for 2 days and pretty much just vegged (Emma's already jealous of my tan).On Saturday morning we hopped on the Oz Experience bus which took us inland to the middle of nowhere to an old kinda rustic house that was on an old gold mine. Emma and I both absolutely loved it as it was probably the farthest thing opposite from Sydney possible. WE got to see tons of platypus in the river and went night water kayaking which was quite a rush. They were grade 3 & 4 rapids and we did it in the pitch black. We were told that it was the only place in the world that you can do it. The last rapid was called the steps as it was 4 step-like things going down and I capsized on the last. (Don't worry mom, it was safe!!)

In the morning we hopped on the bus and took it to a little town named Bingara with a population of 1,300.We went on a 2 1/2 hour horseback ride crossing rivers and going through trails through the mountains, it was amazing. Yesterday we went to Bald Rock National Park and did about a 3 hour hike up a large volcanic granite rock which is the largest in the southern hemisphere. We got amazing pictures from up top although it was extremely windy and my legs are super stiff today. Afterward we continued on our journey to Byron Bay which is the most easterly point in Australia and are staying at a hostel named the Arts Factory( and we love it here.

We are planning on staying at this hostel for about 3 weeks. It has such a great vibe here and there is tons of backpackers from all over the world. It is kinda hippyish so everyone is super laid back and it also has a pool, hot tub, beach volleyball courts, a cinema and tons of other stuff. Once again today we are just heading for the beach as it's supposed to be about 27 today (maybe I'll try to learn to surf) anyways that's pretty much the update on things with me so I love you all and keep e-mailing.


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Posted by: larae    in: My travelblog

Modified on November 8, 2005 at 5:13 PM
Friday, 09 September 2005

September 10

Hey Papa!!

It's about 6 am here on Sept 10 and it's about noon or something there but your still on the 9th of Sept. How weird is that. Anyway things are going really well here, we are having a blast. Yesterday Emma and I booked a bus ticket called the Oz Experience, it was a little pricy but sounds like a really good time. It is a hop on hop off ticket all the way from Sydney to Cairns and the bus driver is kinda like a tour guide but not really. Every day that we are on the bus you do cool adventures and you totally get to see so much more of Australia, guaranteed way more than Emma and I would've on our own. At least this way we have guaranteed transportation for the next 4 months and they also hook you up with cheaper hostels and cool places to go along the way. We are pretty excited.

Anyway I better run cause the bus is waiting and I'm not sure when the next available internet will be as we are heading inland kinda towards the outback but I will e-mail as soon as I get the chance. I Love You So Much and am thinking about you and mom every day. Love You



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Posted by: larae    in: My travelblog

Modified on October 27, 2005 at 5:55 PM
September 8

Hey mom n dad

Well my baggage showed up yesterday morning so that was a huge relief and the airplane company gave me $100 for the hassle which is pretty cool.Anyways yesterday me and Emma hopped on the bus and went to the famous Bondi Beach and was by far the most beautiful beach I have ever seen in my life.I'm gonna e-mail pics home in a couple days but right now we are paying $2 for 15 mins to e-mail home so I'll wait till I can find some internet for free.After the beach we went to the Sydney Aquarium and hung out there for a while then walked back to the hostel but forgot the name of the street that it was on so nobody could really help us just give us the general are so it turned into quite the adventure.We have done so much walking in the past 3 days with our backpacks, watch out when we get home we are gonna be lean, mean, walking machines. We still aren't used to the time difference and woke up at about 10 to 5 this morning so we are going to head back over to the beach again today and stay at a hostel right on the beach front.This will be our last day in Sydney and I think we are gonna do that Oz Experience which leaves tomorrow morning as both of us are ready to get out of the big city and start the real journey.We have already met so many people and the hostels are pretty cool.We slept in a 10 bed dorm the first night and a 6 bed dorm last night. We have yet to meet any Canadians except for Mike off the plane but tons of Germans and Italians.

I also just got an e-mail from Chris that he is heading out to camp for a couple weeks so has no access to an e-mail so he was gonna phone home and get the updates on how I'm doing from you.I also went and purchased a phone card yesterday for an unreal price.It was $10 for something like 1800 mins to call home so I won't use the calling card any more and make it a little cheaper for you guys.Anyways I better run to soak up the sun(with sunscreen),it's supposed to be 26 here today.So I love both of you with all my heart and I will be thinking of you both every step along the way.I Love You So much.

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Posted by: larae    in: My travelblog

Modified on September 9, 2005 at 9:59 PM
September 7

Hey Everyone,

It is about 4pm in the afternoon on Sept 7th and so far it has definetly been an adventurous trip.To start off the plane ride was long but not too bad(I didn't even get Jet Leg).On our flight from Vancouver to Seoul Korea there was a lady on the plane that had a heart attack and ended up
passing away because there was no airport available to do an emergency landing with
about 5 hours left in the flight so that was kinda sad. From the Singapore airport to our plane to Sydney we only had about 20 mins and it seemed like 2 miles in the airport so we were definetly running.We ended up meeting this guy named Mike who is travelling alone from Vancouver so we joined forces with him for the first 2-3 days.Once we got to the Sydney airport, just my luck, my backpack full of absolutely everything except for the clothes on my back and my money somehow got lost in transport so I'm feeling kinda grudgy and dirty but emma's backpack arrived(however that works).We hopped on a shuttle bus and it took us to an area with lots of hostels, later which we
found out was the red light district of Sydney, but it just adds to the adventure we keep telling ourselves.The scenery so far has been absolutely gorgeous and tons of beaches.Our hostel is only about a 20 minute walk from the Sydney Opera house so that's where we ventured to today and tons of walking in the near about areas.Tomorrow the plan is to hop on a ferry and travel to the Sydney Zoo and Aquarium then heading to the famous Bondi Beach to soak up the sun for the remainder of the day.Anyways I will always be thinking of everyone back at home and please feel free to e-mail me at anytime. I Love you all and and keep checking your e-mail as I will try to
write home every 2-3-4 days.(I was gonna e-mail some pictures home but just realized my camera cord is in my bag so give it a couple days)

Love LaRae

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Posted by: larae    in: My travelblog

Modified on September 9, 2005 at 9:52 PM