And I'm back.

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My sole New Year's Resolution is to update this more frequently.  I don't really believe in resolutions of any kind, especially ones that coincide with drunken holidays, but since I spent my New Year's um, traveling for the first time in my life, I find the "resolution" to be quite fitting.

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The holiday was, incidentally, spend at Hofbrauhaus.

Following my debauchery in Munich, I headed east to Prague, but I haven't uploaded the photos yet, so that'll be next time.  Anyhow, my quick and strange top ten of Prague:

1. The view from the Karluv Most/Charles Bridge.

2. Riding the trams all around the city just to look out the windows.  Take a coffee with you.

3. Old Town Square, but mostly so I could stare at the balcony where Klement Gottwald declared communism.

4. Novy Smichov shopping center.  Totally modern, totally fun.

5. The metro and the message it plays when it's about to move.

6. CZECH.  As in the language.  What fun.

7. A restaurant I found then couldn't find again called Karavella.  So. freaking. good.

8. Hostel U Melounu.  Really excellent staff and cleanliness.  Wonderful place, really.

9. The fact that it was around the corner from a shisha bar helped too.

10. Uh, Czech beer?

And to round off this entry of total absurdity, a photograph of myself at a Moroccan wedding this afternoon.  Because you always wondered what I look like in takshaita.


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Random Fan on 16 January 2006 at 12:03
Well now we know - you look very pretty in one!


Brandi (Homepage) on 16 January 2006 at 19:54
Hey, that looks really cool, and it's not unflattering at all like some other options! Looks comfy too! You can't beat that. I saw some great Moroccan dresses that looked so comfortable and traditional.


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