Ask Anna

Procrastinating has its highlights, finding 'Ask Anna' has to be one of them. It's an automated service from IKEA that is highly amusing, located at the bottom left hand corner of this page:

Try asking questions like 'Do you want to date me', 'I hate these chairs' etc etc and see what response you get out of her... very funny...

Eg. 'I don't like your name'

Automated service Anna: 'That's entirely up to you, I don't really have an opinion on that either way.'


ASA: 'I am not designed to understand or feel insults, although my knowledge will surely improve after this conversation. What would you like to know about IKEA?'

Try it, better than studying guaranteed.

on 03 October 2006 at 05:22
Why aren't you studying bitch? Such a slack, asking anna won't solve your game theory questions ;)
on 30 November 2006 at 10:46
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