Weekend with Annemeic and visit to Nyungwe Forest

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I went last Saturday to spend a couple of nights with Annemeic who has had her daughter Michele and son in law Thomas staying. they had spent the day hiking over hill and rocky outcrop to visit the family of Am's protege Valensi. Evidently he said it would be a 3 hour walk and it turned out to be at least twice that so there were some very weary bodies at the house when I arrived. However a few beers and a couple of stiff rum and cokes made all the difference! Rum provided by th charming Nigerian doctor who lives next to AM!

Next day we set off bright and early in the vehicle belonging to Mothers Union, to the Forest. the entry fee is resonable - 20 US dollars but we wanted to do a walk which was a ridiculous price even for residents. However we paid up and set off armed with large sticks to assist the ascents and descents. The pathe was very clear and easy to follow and we did see some monkeys, a chameleon, a small waterfall and wonderful trees including marvellous tall mahogony soaring straight up into the sky hundreds of feet above us forming an amazing leaf pattern against the sky. From time to time we caught glimpses of Lake Kivu and the distant mountains of Congo the other side of the Lake. I was thankful that the others didn't feel like tackling anything more ambitious than the Rose Trail as found I ran out of puff very quickly on the steep climbs up! We had brought a picnic which we ate in a little banda by he reception and shared with the driver whose name I've forgotten - something like Elijah!

We then drove on a bit and saw lots more monkeys, one of whom jumped right up and put his face in the back window -apparently it is becoming quite a problem- many people feed them and they are becoming rather aggressive. If they could speak I'm sure they'd be saying "donnez moi bananes" like the children who say all the time "Donnez moi amafaranga" or "Give me my money"! On both sides of the forest are acres of tea which is lovely to see - such a fresh green and so orderly! Many soldiers lounging about by the side of the road but this didn't stop several petrol lorries "supplying" locals with fuel in every kind of container including plastic bags!

The next day we all went to lunch with Cathie in Gasarenda and had a tour of her school which has the most fabulous views over to the forest in the distance. It reminded me of the view from Llanegryn school, near Twyn although, of course, all the hills near Gasarenda are cutivated from top to bottom!!

On the way back I was next to a very persistent man in the taxi bus.

"Tu es Protestant"?


"Tu es Catholic?"


"Tu es quoi"?

"Je suis un esprit libre''

"Nous n'avons pas cet Eglise ici au Rwanda"

Not a very productive week work wise - Monday was a holiday - Thursday most of the teachers went to the bank  to get their pay and Friday afternoon is always "Nettoyage" and sitting about,  so hope for a more constructive time next week!!



































































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