Gorillas, a party, a touch of malaria and the new term

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Once Tom and Lizzie returned from their great walk, much enjoyed, despite parched tongues and burning eye balls on the second day, we set off for Gisenyi where we spent a happy time swimming and watching pied kingfishers doing their spectaculat vertical dives -also a little retail therapy in the Kenyan shop and Rwandan Women's cooperative. Had a white knuckle taxi bus ride to Rhuhengeri, somewhat alleviated by spectacular views of the volcanoes, where we met Cathie and 2 Rwandans, Elson and Leonce who were to come with us the next day.

The gorillas were amazing - we were so close to them that one could literally have touched them and indeed one youngster did grap my shirt firmly on his way past. The most remarkable thing about them is their eyes- they look straight at you as though they really wanted to know all about you and indeed did already now quite a lot. Really it was a most moving and thrilling experience.

We got back to Butare in time to prepare a farewell party for Jessica  who was to leave the next day. With help from various friends it was a really good event with good food and dancing until I'm not sure when!!

What I though was a hangove developed into a definitely not feeling well but it didn't interfere with a visit to drum maker and lunch with Cathie followed by a beer with Annemeic, now returned and restored and full of ideas and energy.

The wonders of modern medicine seem to have cured me - despite a certain lassitude and lightheadedness that remains!!

Suddenly Tom and Lizzie have gone and school is back to it's muddling along programe BUT we now have a library which I do believe teachers and stafff are going to allowed to visit; despite the fact that Remy did ask me what was the point or objective of letting children look at books!!

We've just been to a refugee camp but no time to write about that now

Love to all and keep in touch- I'm due to fly home on 29th November  -very exciting!!

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