A Development Plan!

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An entire day was spent discussing a Development plan presented by Frere Alexandre involving all sorts of wonderful ideas like forming every kind of club, giving every child a moquito net, planting trees and flowers and developing sports and games. I have an idea that this was in response to some Government directive and that nothing will come of it! I have been trying to set up some HIV/AIDS training at the local centre but the Coordinator  there, having initially been very enthusiastic, is now becoming rather evasive so after 3 visits, a letter stating exactly what we want and 3 telephone calls I'm going to have to go there again and PIN him to a programme!

Frere A also announced that he will be giving up as Directeur at the end of this term and that the mantle will pass to Eugene who is young and possibly more disposed to spend more time at the Centre. One plus is that he hasn't yet passed his driving test so is less likely to disappear each day!

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