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Pictures and pancakes

Just as well I got that little entry in as I've just lost 10 minutes where the power went off so I'm now typing at double quick speed to try to bring everyone a bit more up to date!

The first week of February I had Kate Watson staying which was great as she brought paints and managed to have creative sessions with nearly all the classes - the children were absolutely forbidden from doing anything representational so we did have some wonderful wild designs and colours. An added excitement was when we introduced glitter which threw them all, girls and boys alike, into paroxysms of excitement and they put it all over themselves- I even caught some children rubbing the pictures over their heads to have sparkly hair!! We managed to persuade a Batwa potter, (known as the Candlestick maker, because that is what he mainly peddles), to bring some clay to school so that one class was able to make little figures. I think the teachers were a little mystified by the abstract nature of the pictures and have asked me several times since what is the point of such art.

Shrove Tuesday saw 2 classes making pancakes for the entire school. ruth brough her kerosene stove so that we had 4 on the go - it seems to have been a popular activity and although the teachers professed to be worn out I think they were very pleased with themselves for having been able to extend such largesse! The pancakes were more flabby that we would like but thus better for hungry children!