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Kampala calling!

I'm in a cool -literally -  internet cafe in kampala having declined to visit a street children's project with Helen-  the VSO temporary assistant with the Disability project -with whom I've come to Uganda to find out about what the UGANDAN'S DO ABOUT THE DISABLED!!

We've been warmly received by VSO Uganda and met various organisations and visited a school for the mentally handicapped.

We picked up a nice girl on the bus who was on her way to Kenya but needed to spend a day in Kampala so she stayed too in the little house VSO have lent us by the Miracle Centre Cathedral - the chanting of the congregation competes with the incredibly loud disco from the bar opposite and the howling of dogs and the triumphant anticipation of the dawn by a cockerel nearby - but there is hot water and the bed is deliciously comfortable. There was a tricky moment last night when, on returning from the little shop, Helen and I found ourselves padlocked out  - the gate high and spiky -  I had images of clambering up the wall and dropping into pricky rose bushes but happily a grumpy man was summoned to let us in.

Tomorrow we go to Kyambogo University to vist someone who deals in Deaf Studies and then hope to get to Kabale and Lake Bunyoni! Uganda is looking beautifully green and lush and I was thrilled to see saddlebacked storks stalking about in a pond by the road as we lumbered by - we came on a really sedate bus this time - not a flying coffin as on previous visits.