Entries "November 2005":

Monday, 28 November 2005

It All Starts on Wednesday

It seems like only a three weeks ago I was contemplating an adventure in Australia....and my plane leaves on Wednesday! After a painful three day layover in Tahiti, I will arrive in Sydney four days before I departed LAX-not really, but this timeline thing is very tricky!  Am very eager to report back on the landscape, great barrier reef, people, wildlife, and wine country-hic! I will attempt to be somewhat regular in my entries and hope you will travel along with me and send your comments. Am sticking with the old world film photography and will be unable to post photos until my return. I might be able to scare up some film development and scanner sources while Down Under- am continually reminding myself that Australia probably has indeed some sense of modern technology! Hope to find a used car upon arrrival in Sydney that will allow me to set a nice cruising pace around the island, and not leave me on an involuntary walkabout, mate! Well, lots of reading and packing yet to do-wish me luck!

Cheers, Auzzie Loo


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Posted by: AuzzieLoo    in: My travelblog