Entries "February 2006":

Thursday, 09 February 2006

Travels Ends as Pathetic Reality Resumes

No, I am no longer in Melbourne! I am no longer on the Australian Continent! I have landed back in the US in a whir. Since Melbourne, I did squeeze in Tasmania, and cannot reccommend it highly enough- an amazing place that seems to encapsulate the feel of both Australia and New Zealand. One could easily enjoy a month bushwalking, beaching, and Boag-ing( the local brew)  there. Post-Tas was a big blur of beaches in southern New South Wales, and a hard landing in Sydney, where I was unable to sell my gallant little Pulsar. A true lowspot in the travel itenerary, sitting in the basement level of a parking lot trying to sell your car and there are too many others trying to do the same and no one seems to be buying!! You just melt into a chair and watch your glorious southern hemisphere tan fade away. There is one redeeming thing about this mournful task, you are stuck with a bunch of other travellers from all over the world who are really nice people! The people in the travel hostel where I was staying were also very cool. I think they realized what kind of depression I was experiencing with each passing day of no success in the car market. When I finally sold my car( for 2 jars of vegemite and a slab of Toohey's stubbies), they took me out to dinner and stayed up with me all night drinking and joking to help me get my shuttle to the airport.  Maybe they just wanted to be rid of me, but I thought they were awfully good folks! Now, the journey continues stateside, and the job search begins as the the warmth of the Australian summer and the bright, new memories is replaced by gray skies and resumes(Why didn't I go to Fiji!!!?) Thanks for checking into the blog. I will post photos on here soon. Cheers!

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Posted by: AuzzieLoo    in: My travelblog